Garden pinks

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Genere: Dianthus
Nome: Raspberry Sundae  _sinonimo Devon Yolande-
Nome comune: garofano; garofanino
Famiglia: Caryophyllaceae
Varietà: Perenne
Altezza: 20 cm
Foglia: Verde oliva/glauca
Forma: cespuglio compatto
Fiore: doppio di medie dimensioni, sfrangiato
Colore: Rosa cipria con gola lampone
Sole/Ombra: Preferibilmente al sole o mezz’ombra luminosa
Profumo: intenso
Riproduzione per talea: si nei periodi miti
In vendita nello shop online come pianta radicata in vaso 
Ibrido: 2003



Species: Dianthus
Name: Cosmopolitan
Know as: Carnation
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Variety: Perennial
Height: 30 cm
Leafs color: Silver green
Shape: Vigorous bush
Flower: medium-sized semi-double
Colors: Pink and fuchsia
Sun exposure: preferably sun
Scent: Intense
Reproduction by stem cutting: 
Temperate climate


Species: Dianthus
Name: Shirley Temple
Know as: Carnation
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Variety: Perennial
Height: 35-45 cm
Leaf: Silver green
Shape:  Vigorous bush
Flower: Simple medium-large sized flower
Colors: Pink with a fucsia colored throat
Sun exposure: Preferably sun or filtered sunlight
Scent: Intense
Reproduction by stem cutting: Temperate climate






Species: Dianthus
Name: Mojito
Know as: Carnation
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Variety: Perennial
Height: 35-45 cm
Leaf: Silver green
Shape:  Vigorous bush
Flower: Simple medium-large sized flower
Colors: White with a green lemon colored throat -rare color combination-
Sun exposure: Preferably sun or filtered sunlight
Scent: Intense
Reproduction by stem cutting: Temperate climate




Species: Dianthus
Name: Cherry Daiquiri
Know as: Carnation
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Variety: Perennial
Height: 35-45 cm
Leaf: Olive green
Shape:  Vigorous bush
Flower: Simple medium-large sized flower
Colors: Pink with a pink fucsia and purple colored throat
Sun exposure: Preferably sun or filtered sunlight
Scent: Intense
Reproduction by stem cutting: Temperate climate