Standard-Carnation-DGD Trikala


Species: Dianthus
Name: DGD Trikala
Know as: Florist’s carnation
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Variety: Perennial
Height: 50/60 cm
Leaf color: Olive Green
Shape: Medium-sized bush
Flower:  Big
Color:  Red
Sun exposure: Partial sun / Partial shade
Scent: Sweet
Reproduction by stem cutting: Temperate climate

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The carnation is a permanent perennial plant of value, for pot and garden, withstands harsh climates with temperatures up to -15 G °. For growth in pots, exposure to full sun is recommended, except in the hottest summer, when it prefers a slight shade of shade. For growth in full ground we recommend a sunny position or a partial shade, only if it is very bright.

For pot growth it is recommended to use generic neutral universal potting soil. Irrigate with frequency and constancy, avoid water stagnation. Modern hybrids do not tolerate periods of drought. For the growth in soil it is recommended to prepare the planting layout with a medium mixture of soil integrating universal generic neutral soil and in the case of clay soils also inert draining such as expanded clay, gravel or lapillus. Irrigate with frequency and constancy, avoid water stagnation. Modern hybrids do not tolerate periods of drought

A normal and ordinary cleaning of the spent flower stems (close to the base) ensures that the plant remains with an orderly and vigorous crown. If this is not enough, you can intervene further by removing excess branches and buds. The Dianthus is a plant that worships rich soils, following fertilization continuously. We recommend the use of liquid fertilizers for flowering according to the dilutions indicated once every 10/15 days.


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